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Recycling and diverting waste from the landfill are important priorities at the Leduc & District Regional Waste Management Facility. The Facility has various programs and initiatives in place to support the diversion of materials to extend the life of the landfill, and to promote environmental stewardship.
The Facility features a Public Drop Off (PDO) area where residents are invited to separate materials into various streams to maximize our diversion efforts.
Blue Bag Recyclables
The materials you put in your blue bags go on a journey to be recycled and made into new consumer items, through a variety of external processors. Reusing the material from recycled items makes the best use of the raw materials that were used in the original manufacturing process.
What does recycled material become?
Food waste, yard waste and compostable paper materials are collected at the Facility, which are then hauled to an external organics processing facility to be made into nutrient-rich agricultural grade compost. This includes material collected from residential green organics carts and yard waste collection programs.
In May 2023, the Facility began a donation program partnership with Goodwill Industries of Alberta, with the desire to enhance waste diversion from the landfill. This program allows household items to be repaired, repurposed, refurbished, recycled or downcycled, to be enjoyed by others. This keeps furniture, toys, clothing, textiles, sporting equipment, books and media out of the landfill, while supporting regional charitable initiatives.
Recycling Programs in Partnership with the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA)
The Facility collects electronic waste as part of the ARMA Electronics Recycling Program. Electronic items are sent to a processor to be disassembled, allowing the various metals, plastics and glass to be made into new consumer products.
Tires are collected as part of the ARMA Tire Recycling Program, which are taken to a processor to be shredded. Scrap tire material is then turned into new materials such as tire-derived aggregate (TDA), mulch for landscaping, playground surfaces, sidewalk blocks, matting products and roofing tiles.
Paint products are collected as part of the ARMA Paint Recycling Program. Latex paint is recycled into usable paint, while oil-based paint is most often used in fuel blends to provide alternative fuel sources. Aerosol containers, paint cans and plastic pails are recycled as metals and plastics.
Used Oil & Materials
The ARMA Used Oil Recycling Program enables the Facility to collect used oil, oil filters and oil containers, which are sent to a processor to be recycled.
What does recycled oil products become?
Non-organic material such as plastic bags can contaminate an entire truckload of collected organic waste. This may result in the load being landfilled, rather than repurposed into valuable compost.
Please ensure that your organic material is clean to help reduce costs and divert organic waste from the landfill.
A Resident Identification Card System is in effect!
The Resident Identification Card system provides residents of the member municipalities of the Leduc and District Regional Waste Management Facility (LDRWMF) with access to the landfill.
This program allows residents to utilize the landfill for free disposal of general household waste, up to an annual limit. The card program is used to identify residents and track incoming tonnage per household. Users who are unable to provide a card will be subject to the standard facility user fees.